book Appointment or Reservation

Opening HOURS



MON: Closed
TUES: 8am to 4pm | 10am to 7pm
WEDS: 8am to 4pm | 8am to 6pm
THURS: 8am to 4pm | 10am to 7pm
FRI: 8am to 11pm | 8am to 6pm
SAT: 8am to 11pm | 7am to 2pm
SUN: 9am to 8pm | Closed


Book a Trim

Looking for a haircut or a beard trim? You’ll need to book an appointment with one of our barbers.

Book a Table

Want to guarantee a table for eating in at our bistro? You’ll need to make a reservation.

visit Gladstone Barber & Bistro

Are you ready for some delicious food or a fresh cut? Pop down to the centre of Stalybridge for the best bistro vibes and a proper quality haircut.